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Funds of the Order

To make an online contribution

to any fund of the Order, please click here.








February 2


September 5

November 1


Ingathering is September 5th

Established at the 2009 Triennial Convention in Anaheim, California.  Named in honor of the first Junior Chapter, the Alpha Fund is used to provide financial support to Junior Daughter Directresses in their efforts to extend Christ's kingdom especially among young women and girls  through the ministry of the Junior Daughters of the King.

September 5th, the in-gathering day for the Alpha Fund, was selected in honor of the day Mother Teresa died in 1997.

Junior Directresses are encouraged to fill out an application.  The Alpha Fund committee, chaired by the National Junior Directress, reviews and approves all applications.

"Let us all become a true and faithful branch on the vine of Jesus, by accepting him in our lives as it pleases Him to come:  as the Truth  -  to be told; as the Life  -  to be lived; as the Light  -  to be lighted; as the Love  -  to be loved; as the Way  -  to be walked; as the Joy  -  to be given; as the Peace  -  to be spread; as the Sacrifice  -  to be offered; in our families and our neighbors."     Amen.     Mother Teresa

Prayer for the Alpha Fund:

O Lord Jesus, you said that when we welcome your children we welcome you; assist us in our work of guiding your children.  Touch the hearts of your people so they will equip us with the gifts that we need to further your love with our Juniors.  Enable us to work in Your service and for Your sake.     AMEN.


Ingathering is November 1st, All Saints Day

The Endowment Fund was established in 1928 for the benefit of the Order. Memorial contributions and thanksgiving gifts enable us to grow our Endowment Fund, which is a permanent trust fund. While some annual disbursements are made to reflect Daughters’ payment of lifetime dues, the bulk of the Fund is invested to generate income and build a foundation to assure the Order’s growth into the future.

Prayer for the Endowment Fund:

Almighty God, giver of all gifts, we thank you for all the generous gifts given to the Endowment Fund in thanksgiving, honor and remembrance by members and friends of The Order. Guide us in the wise use of these funds that our work will be to the honor and glory of your Son, Our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.


Ingathering is February 2nd

Feast of the Presentation of Christ in the Temple

Reinvisioning the Self Denial Fund - The Order of the Daughters of the King, Inc. (

We, as Daughters, are called to bring others to Christ by showing our love to others in the world. This may be done through kind deeds, telling our story of faith in Christ, or by giving of our resources to help others in need. Some may wish to start a mission project in their community or travel to other countries as missionaries. Lord, what will you have me do?

February 2, the Feast of the Presentation of Christ in the Temple, is the ingathering of the Self-Denial Fund for our Order. The funds are used to support mission projects around the world, and any Daughter may apply for a grant to support a mission project.  (Please see the DOK National web site for more information.)  Your donations to the Self- Denial Fund are combined to spread our mission work to many parts of the world.

Prayer for the Self-Denial Fund:

O God, who makes the Church the messenger of your Gospel, accept this gift of your Daughters to speed your message to the whole world and to enable your love to be the portion of all, through Jesus Christ, our Lord and King.   AMEN


Ingathering is Pentecost

This Fund was established through a Thank Offering to be given at Pentecost in loving commemoration of the coming of the Holy Spirit.  Funds have always been used to help women prepare for service in church related work.  Presently, three types of grants are given:  Provincial, Continuing Education, and Master’s Fund Scholarship.

Prayer for the Master's Fund:

O heavenly Father, bless the prayers and the gifts we receive for the furtherance of Your kingdom. Give both the giver, and the receiver of the gift, wisdom and guidance to listen for Your will in their lives. By Your grace, empower and prepare Your servants for the work You give them to do. As they grow in the knowledge of You and Your Word, fill them with Your peace and love and joy and send them forth to meet the needs of a wanting world. May their work proclaim Your goodness, build Your kingdom, and be a blessing to all. For His Sake.  AMEN.



Do you know anyone who has received financial support from the Self-Denial or Master’s Funds? Please share that story with us so we can showcase their stories in upcoming editions.

If you need additional information, please visit the National DOK website at

Or you may contact Pam Foster, Funds Chair, at

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